Bracket Busters

The rules and “prizes” are detailed below. [Of course, I (Moe) reserve the right to make up shit as I go along…. and in the event of a controversy, I will act as the sole arbitrator of the dispute.]

Bracket Rules

  1. The scoring system will be the default CBSSports scoring system.
  2. 1 Bracket per person.
  3. Prizes are as follows:
    • First Place: Assign one shot to anyone in the GOPT to be drank at the next GOPT get together
    • Picking the biggest Upset: Assign (5) BFJBs to anyone in the GOPT. This is defined by the largest difference in seed strength with a tie breaker of the difference in RPI Ranking.
    • Big Balls Bonus (The big balls bonus goes to the person with the highest seed total of their selected Elite 8): Immunity from being assigned BFJBs from the biggest upset pick.
  4. Penalties are as follows:
    • Last Place: Drink one shot at the next GOPT get together and ingest (5) BFJBs. Failure to eat BFJBs = 4 shot penalty.
    • Incomplete Bracket: 4 Shots of Moe’s select liquor at the next GOPT get together (can be split 2 & 2 over two events) and ingest (5) BFJBs. Moe will provide old, nasty liquor. So – I would complete the bracket. Failure to eat BFJBs = 4 shot penalty. An incomplete bracket also results in last place in the t-shirt draft.
    • If a school that you attended makes the NCAA Tourney Sweet 16: 2 shots during the drive down to AC [Feet can not touch NJ until drank] or 1 shot per GOPT poker event if not attending AC.
    • Highest finishing school in NCAA Tourney: Ingest (2) BFJBs. (Ties: each ingest BFJBs)
  5. Failure to eat BFJBs = 4 shot penalty.
  6. BFJBs can be divided between people in one bean increments.
  7. Ties: each assign/drink/eat shots/BFJBs.
  8. BFJBs will be provided by Moe.
  9. BFJB = Bacon Flavored Jelly Bean *

Now for the twist:

  1. Based on the final results from the 2017 NCAA Tourney GOPT Bracket Challenge, there will a T-Shirt draft for AC (First place in the Challenge will draft the first T-Shirt, Last Place in the Challenge will draft last).
  2. T-shirts will be provided by the T-shirt commission
  3. T-Shirts must be worn the entire time the group is in AC (or from the draft time until we leave NJ if the draft takes place in NJ)
  4. Nothing can be worn over the T-Shirt and the T-Shirt can not be obstructed in any way (can’t turn inside out, no coat, no ugly-ass smoking jacket, etc)
  5. If a T-Shirt is removed or obstructed, that person will be labeled a “beer bitch” and will be responsible for fulfilling all drink needs at every GOPT monthly event (including majors) until next AC.  Multiple people removing/obstructing T-Shirts will share the responsibility.
  6. An Incomplete bracket will result in an automatic last place