This is a proposal for two changes to the rules.

Proposal 1: Re-organize rules as shown below.
Proposal 2: Clarify bracelet rules as described in following paragraphs and codified in the new rules layout.

We still have to add some clarity around the relationship between points distribution and ranking (bracelet decisions) in the rules. In most scenarios, the relationship is obvious, thanks to the linear payout system. There is still a lack of clarity in the case of multi-tournament majors with non-linear payouts. Points toward season ranking will continue to be distributed according to average finish order, in line with the spirit of our email exchange on May 9th, 2015 – which was expressly to align rules with the GOPT members’ “…consensus that points distribution in a major should be linear with place, with double the value of a non-major event.” But, in the rare scenario where maximum cash payout is not aligned with maximum point distribution (currently only possible at ESSOP), we need to make a decision.

Either (1) the bracelet goes to the person who is given the most points according to the linear payout system or (2) the bracelet goes to whoever wins the most cash, regardless of average finishing position. In situation (1), there is a bracelet winner and a money winner – both can leave happy. In situation (2), there is one winner, and a loser who would have, in any other GOPT event, been awarded a bracelet for the same performance.

I would argue that option (1) is in line with the group’s preference to decouple (to a certain extent) cash payouts in majors with league ranking/rewards, and this is codified in the proposed rules below.

Official Rules (Proposed by Junior: July 2, 2015)

Section 1: GOPT Golden Rules

  1. The game is Texas Holdem. Standard rules apply.
  2. Four GOPT members are necessary for any event to count towards the official GOPT record books.
  3. What happens/is said at poker stays at poker.

Section 2: Cash Payouts, Points, and Bracelets

  1. Cash payouts and points toward season ranking are distributed according to formulas defined in the GOPT Payout Schedule Technical Memo. Common scenarios are listed below for clarity.
    • A player’s cash payout for a standard (2 tournament, $20 buy-in) non-major night is equal to 20*(2n-P1-P2)/(n–1), where P1 and P2 are the individual places in each tournament, and n is the number of players. This is equal to the number of points awarded toward season ranking.
    • Majors are worth twice as many points toward season ranking as standard non-major nights, and points are distributed similarly to non-major events. A player’s point reward from a standard (1 tournament) major is equal to 80*(n-P)/(n–1), where n is the number of players and P is the place in the event. Point payout in a two-tournament major (e.g. ESSOP) is equal to 40*(2n-P1-P2)/(n–1).
  2. Rank in an event is determined by first, the number of points earned according to §2.1, and second, by finishing order in the last tournament.
  3. The Monthly GOPT Champion’s Bracelet is awarded to the player of highest rank according to §2.2.

Section 3: Penalties

Section 3.1: Core GOPT Infractions

  1. Failure to wear the monthly championship bracelet in public while still the reigning champion = 1 shot
  2. The monthly champion takes cards home and is responsible for bringing them the next poker night. Failure to do so = 1 shot
  3. Failing to pay your entry fee on a given night prior to cards being dealt = 1 shot
  4. Consulting the matrix/payout calculator prior to the completion of a tournament = 1 shot

Section 3.2: Gameplay-related Penalties

  1. Win 4 hands in a row = 1 shot (split pots count as a win)
  2. Sloppy cards (on floor) = 1 shot
  3. Taking cards to the loo = 1 shot
  4. Missed deal = 1 shot
  5. Taking a card out of turn = 1 shot
  6. Failure to reveal your entire hand when called = 1 shot
  7. Slow rolling less than a dollar pot = 1 shot

Section 3.3: Chip Drop Penalties

  1. Chip hits floor (including dealer chip, not including the banker when he is setting up the game or chipping up) = 1 shot
  2. Blockading any door with a potentially falling chip to force a shot = 1 shot
  3. Any grey area regarding a chip that hits the floor goes to the last person that touched the chip = 1 shot

Section 3.4: Refreshment-related Penalties

  1. Spill beer/spill drink = 1 shot
  2. Sloppy pour = 1 shot
  3. Sloppy food (food is dropped on floor) = 1 shot
  4. Splashes off bottles/bombs are not a shot
  5. No food instigation
  6. If you are the host and you run out of alcohol = 2 shots. If you supply a 12-pack the next poker night you only owe 1 shot.

Section 3.5: Attendance

  1. Missing poker/canceling on game day (less than 24 hours notice) = 1 shot. Not notifying the host = +1 shot
  2. More than 1 hour late (even if you say you will be late) = 1 shot
  3. Leaving poker before everyone is finished or it is before 11:00 PM = 2 shots

Section 3.6: Grab Bag

  1. Watching TV (when not specifically allowed by the host) = 1 shot
  2. Sleeping at poker = 2 shots
  3. Premature drop in guts = add a nickel to the pot
  4. Bringing your underage child (< 18 years old) to poker = 2 deferred shots
  5. If your wife/significant other calls/texts and you answer it = 1 shot. If you call her = 1 shot
  6. Carrying a purse at poker = 1 shot
  7. Three consecutive bracelet wins = 1 shot

Section 4: Deferred Penalties

  1. Shots deferred to the next month/gathering = 2x the number of shots deferred. A maximum of 4 shots are allowed to be deferred (doubling to 8 at the next gathering) before the option of deferring is no longer allowed.
  2. Penalty shots must be drank before the first deal (those earned the previous month) or the next deal (those earned on a given night)
  3. Shots don’t start accruing on a given night until the first deal