A slightly reduced showing of four GOPTers rolled into AC a bit later than expected, due to MP falling asleep at the bar the night before, then having his car break down five minutes after departure.
This was the first year with another piece of technology, in the form of the official GOPT Instagram account.
After a few bad beats took out other players, Junior emerged victorious. Several shots were taken, although none were specifically designated as punishment for violation of rule 3.6.7.
Junior had some ketchup. Coach hid some Splenda, and again walked all the way from the Nugget back to the Trop to release some KK over AK anguish. Moe cheated at arm-wrestling, and then squealed like a stuck pig when he “won”.
MP won this year’s second annual wrestling match against Junior, but Moe was helping, so it was really more of a draw. The bruises hurt, though.
We met a new Kip at Planet Rose, and Junior quickly creeped him out.
MP and Moe ate all the appetizers.
Cardboard Siri didn’t make it through the night.